Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Howto Fasten Double O-ring Belt

E-Book "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria"

Munich / Wiesbaden (e-books-of-ernst-probst) - On "GRIN for academic texts" is the title of "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, "an e-book in PDF format and available as a printed Paperback. Authors of the richly illustrated Biography is the journalist Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn. This book comprises 256 pages and is in "grin" at the address be ordered. Over time, this biography in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore will be available.

Ernst Probst has published in 2010 with "GRIN" numerous paperbacks and e-books about famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronauts: queens of the skies from A to Z, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, queen of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, women in space. With the aircraft historian Joseph Eimannsberger from Munich, he published the paperback "three queens of the skies in Bavaria."


content of "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "

Christl-Marie Schultes (1904-1976) was a tragic heroine of the 20th Century. She came in 1904 in Geigant Waldmünchen (Upper Palatinate) to the world and grew from 1907 in Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria). 1928 they lost the first Bavarian aviator, 1931 crash at the start of a planned world flight her left leg, founded in 1933 in Berlin, "German flight magazine" and was reviewed by the Nazis confiscated because it was brave of her Jewish fiance. As an immigrant, she founded in France the "International pilots help," became a benefactor of children in Nice, Jewish camp supplied in France, the persecution brought across the border, was arrested in Nice, imprisoned in the internment Brens, in Paris, deported in Germany sentenced to death and 1945 free at the last minute by the Americans in Munich. Christl-Marie had dealings with many important personalities. Their great courage, selfless aid to people in need and their "active imagination" they brought into trouble. An important role in the lives of childless "Ranger Christl" played her fox terrier, which she sat in her pocketbook "concentration camp dog Muggi" a literary and moving memorial. Authors of the pocket book "Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "are the journalist Ernst Probst from Wiesbaden and the aviation historian Theo Lederer from Bad Heilbrunn .. The work is Christl-Marie Schultes and two of her relatives live in Schongau dedicated. Her nephew, Otto Bauer sen. and her young great-nephew Otto Bauer. have significantly with valuable information and numerous illustrations contributed to the success of this biography.


The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.

Paleontology: Germany in the primitive times, records of prehistoric times, dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf), Archaeopteryx, dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010), Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine, the Rhine-elephant, cave lions, the lion Mosbacher, Saber-toothed cats, cave

Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of early man, Germany in the Bronze Age, the Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain Group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade group in the Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age urn field culture, the Lusatian culture

cryptozoology: ape-man, Nessie. The monster book, monsters on the track, sea monsters

Bios: 14 paperbacks on super women, Chris-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria, three queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger) Women in the universe, queen of the skies, queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronaut, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, queen of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, Queen of the skies in America, Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria, queen of dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (along with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Pocahontas. The Indian princess from Virginia, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut

aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z

Most of these items are in GRIN for academic Texts published and available in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.

GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is to present to students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.


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