Friday, October 22, 2010

Birkenstock Flip Flop

intermediate, and Sanchong Neili

The "crystal" of Tienmou
Yes we are finally done moved, that we now have a new address, new phone numbers and new neighbors. We stayed in the same district, ie moved to Yangminshan Tienmou. This is not only a geographical, but in spite of a few kilometers distance, a climatic difference, but work is technically a clear improvement. We, of course, that the removal tried as low as possible and should the Lord of the harvest "has much in many ways given much grace .. But there was still moving expenses, which went on beyond the normal ... Who wants to contribute something? Well, yes it goes on, best via DMG. - In the midst of this change and the boxes around us was the next working day for all of us.
Sanchong Baptist congregation in the model
Alain preached last Sunday in a Baptist church in Sanchong. Sanchong has with 384.618 inhabitants particularly small Christian communities. (Sanchong incorporated in 2003 in Taipei. From 25 December, Taipei not only a new name but also more than 7 million residents and many new such districts have communities with very little!). D iesen Sunday Alain will hold a work resulting from the YMCA of the postwar years Brethren two missionary sermons, while Rita is derived in the Protestant community Shepai (Friendship Presbyterian Church of RoC) the children's choir. Subsequently, another two-day training in Taipei (MacKay Memorial Hospital) will be. -
The TECC meeting in Neili on Wednesday was decided in early December, especially among the approximately 130 000 Indonesians Taiwan especially at a Christmas festival at Taipei Main Station in the printing of Christian literature in part, to take over completely.
Neili, near Mission Center v. DEEP,
TECC where each of its meetings
The work below their Thai goes all right, but unfortunately, in the absence of a German Thai Thai a different missionary pastor who works elsewhere in the south uncomfortable in central and northern Taiwan are mixed among the Thai community. He tried partially successful control of several outposts of Thai communities to tear itself. Background seems to be, according to the understanding of the Thai pastors an old story in the media that Pastor years ago when a reporter for his work not of had him get the desired attention. Now he wants to, where is his colleague three months abroad to make up obviously fast. This is rejected by the other Thai pastors and associates in the strongest terms. Please pray for this thing, that the re-done.
After the service in Neili bring colleagues
up to 60 Thais with 8 vehicles to back their factories.

That reminds one of how important award for Christians and especially for pastors, and whatever else it from the root of bitterness and the need for "image building" anything can grow out .- Please pray for the next service and to our new environment.


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