Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Foto Foto Hannah Montana

SZ 2010/11 or: The serious side of life

Oh God! Since it was the "Stag" to the last post here.

This is pretty much happened since then.

The new season has begun - this is always good because you have to bring about a half months, theatrical dry spell. But this year it's done (and holidays are of course always nice, although I by Mozart summer writing workshop limited holiday was because I was working with Benny Lehmann at his pre-diploma in puppetry (Ernst Busch)). Throughout September, I've then rehearsals for "Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg" at the Komische Oper spent something where I've made quite different, namely, I have not shadowed, but I am seeing on stage as a young actress.

So I am mistress of a house, a very large house that can sometimes be a bit of running away, but by and large you have to say that I do with my three roommates "did pretty well under control.

same time, I'm after some back and forth but still get a place here in Berlin. After a brief holiday in Salzburg with my mother right after the Meistersinger premiere - by train to Salzburg's great to take the train back it was less (two hours late and the train station me a wasp stung in the left knee) - and even a week of leisure in Berlin (with two Meistersinger performances) I am studying now (after the introduction of days last week and the first day of lectures yesterday) so drama, Hebrew and German Philology (modern German literature). After a year of work I have to also get back and read a lot. Just now I have the Hebrew alef-bet, including all harassment (there is indeed only 22 letters, but four of which may each have two different meanings, and five each have yet another sign of their presence at the end of the word) learned for me tomorrow the second hour also may Hebrew. I think Hebrew is I do in the first two terms, the most work.

is probably studying me, if I remember correctly acclimated have to make really fun because my idea of learning it pretty much equal. We'll see.

Also, I am happy to go in November for the production of JULIUS and the spirits back to back to the GRIPS and this time with the other "half" to sit in the drama.

My last "unearned" weekend for half a year I of 16 to 17 Spent October in Frankfurt am Main, where I could finally see the latest Aribert Reimann's opera "Medea". Sebastian Meineck with me was there for was this kind of music I know, fairly new, but which nevertheless has not "disturb" can.

Basically it was a very nice production (oh, great, this is again a sentence which says nothing at all!), Although there were certainly some moments I could not for various reasons particularly successful .

For example, it led from this lunar landscape, the director and set designer Marco Marelli Aturo has since brought to the stage that gene a huge stone from the rear, angled stage orchestra pit gobbled ("hopping", where we all were witnesses of it, that this stone is made of cardboard) while Creusa in a burned like a UFO-looking object. Actually, should the right moment a power flip up the ramp and stop the rock (!) - Except that was the visually a rather uncharmante solution, on Saturday simply does not work (network worked high, stone behaved but destructive) with the result that these huge stone landed in the orchestra pit.

Note: Pappmachésteine who get out of control, real hazards.

On any case, really all participants (including audience) got a huge shock, but apparently (I mean, it was the director Bernd Loebe, after the applause was still on stage and said something to) is not human, "only" a instrument, something happened. Happiness.

(perhaps I shall write more detail about the Medea, but I think that's what I can only be if I ever have access to a CD recording, because of this song just need the music)

Otherwise, I'm reading right now (And now I "in the last 200 pages have arrived) Uwe Tellkamp" The Tower ", the action is exciting and totally uninteresting between moves, while the language oscillates between clear and incredibly pathetic. Well. I will create the now even.

Finally, there is a small excerpt from my text "maternity benefit", the still "brand new" (August 2010) is:

you pull the hand from his pocket and slide them right away for another chance on the stairway landing to the edges with your fingertips the notes to touch. You do not know how much it is, you could count them, you can be it, because then you'd know how much to have per day, per meal for the whole week and then you had to be divided up.

Are turning recount Instead you to climb up and down the stairs, through the door on the sidewalk.

You take his hands from his pockets, because you do not do the one that has your mother told you, you can not do otherwise, you put it back inside. The money could from the Bag drop. You know this because you're such a, which has to happen.


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