Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who Did Mickie James Just Fight?

"Come over and help" (Apg16: 9)
; >>> I am interested

The 119 project and the next steps of SEND's mission work in Taiwan:

Wanted: Professionals of the cultural border council housing in Taiwan!

The idea of "Project 119": The good news is from 60 communities in two particularly missionary neglected roads through to be established communities, the beacon seem to take in the local towns the way to a future show with God.
The majority of Taiwan's population lives in these 60 administrative units of villages, and cities of Taoyuan and Tainan, which lie on the western coast. Almost all of these towns and villages are connected by two old streets, the old national road No. 1 and No. 19 on road
Despite the island-wide upgrading of infrastructure by railways, highways and expressways, which are particularly connected with each other 15 cities are dozens of smaller towns and villages, which took in the view of the construction of Christian churches / churches of anything, they were forgotten.
It rotates about a population of 40,000 people where there are between 0.2-1% Christians. At many of these places come to 10.000 to 15.000 People a community, some have only 2-3 small local communities often lack because of Pastor without regular service. These areas are due to their everyday life and work rhythm of the most serious is the gospel-to-reach areas at all, because their population to a majority of factory workers.
Partners Mission SEND International plans from 2010 to 2015 in these areas to establish three new communities. SEND International in Taiwan sees it as the beginning of a long-term action this 60 administrative areas / small towns targeted to supply up to 2028 each with a mulitiplizierenden the community and open up to God's kingdom. "
SEND International, it provides right now as its mission to build in these adverse conditions, looking through increased cooperation with local Christians in international teams, strong communities and multiplying with a send-confidence.
understood in the near cities with large Christian communities and / or theological seminaries to SEND to his experiences in the cultural border council as gemeindebauinitierender partner. Thus, the intra-missionary task is to Taiwan under its unprecedented Holo, Hakka and Asian immigrants come to a conclusion faster. - When should the establishment of new communities for at least 20 years, the cultural characteristics of the incomplete Chinese Ethnic groups such as the Hakka and Holo, but also of other Asian ethnic groups adequate in the structures of community life structured and adapted to be integrated at Route 1 and Route 19 from north to south model communities. . Arise Only then is the time has come for SEND missionaries to reduce the number of and pass the responsibility to the intra-missionary work entirely in local hands. Those who pray or help with?
The Hakka Chinese of Taiwan (4.6 million) with 0.3% Christians are the most neglected ethnic Chinese in the country. Externally you can see them any of their Hakkasein and of a very different way to think about it. They have preserved their character more than 2400 years. According experience shows that they can actually almost only one hearing, and their cultural identity account for Christ to be won. -
In contrast to the Holo recognizes the Hakka folk religion - a synthesis of Taoism, the Yin-Yang concept and the magical elements of Tibetan Buddhism - only a small number of gods. - According to missiological studies are interesting as some elements of their history and religion of the Hakka people to the contextualization of biblical truths.
There is a small theological seminary in the Hakkachristen Chudung that has begun to train local leaders. They have set the line, all three years to establish a Hakkagemeinde. Much better would be e saber if they had the technical assistance of missionaries, they could at biblsichen contextualisation of the Gospel and the structuring of their country-wide task completed with their capabilities. SEND plans in the next 5 years to establish at least 1 Hakkagemeinde.
The western coastal strip between Tachia Hsingang and is the site of annual pilgrimages to honor the Sea Goddess Matzu. Every year on the third 23.des Month of the lunar calendar begins there a achttägie procession. It is one of the oldest festivals volksreligösen Taiwan ever goes back and to the migration of Chinese from the province of Fukien in front of some 280 years. Today Matzu is considered the most revered deity in volksreligösen pantheon of Holo Taiwanese (about 13.6 million - It is not surprising that this exact area is also the main breeding area of marine animals and fish, especially in the cantons of Yunlin, Chiayi and Changhua through. this industry is losing, however, not only the soil's fertility, it is also decreased significantly and as for the future of coastal farmers helped them until recently no one their situation to improve -. As the fishing industry back out of course the good return on Matzu's blessing (Matzu is a much revered deity), the costly processions in her honor correspondingly more. The strong through the Fish impoverished and uneducated peasants are told that they would donate more to Matzu, then their plight would finally change, but the opposite happens, it's getting worse. Of this system are existentially affected 7 million people. The government was, until recently, no way to change things. Someone in a Christian Church in Taipei recently came from God an idea. He took it to the government. Meanwhile, it has now decided to orphaned unusable land in Chiayi back and develop and the project as a pilot project in Dongshen try it out, one of the worst affected areas at all. - We also pray that the Holo Taiwanese in this Areas indicate that the Creator has with them a rescue plan and that they can have in Christ and rich real life. This is
SEND's mission statement for the Hakka in Taiwan and Holos!


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