Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sauna Etiquette Locker Room

If no more day ever.

So now I'm kind of free and vertrödele somehow my time and am doing terribly unproductive.

I try to write and get nothing in the series in this direction, as are words and words and phrases and sentences, but no stories, I want to tell and can.

Does that now, after an artistic depression?

it is not desired.

enough Because I'm away from the arts, what should I do it and not get their act together. Clean rooms for example. I try for ages, but I think my desk is a black hole - this is a regulatory vacuum (when I vacuum the air from the word out and the "order" reinbekäme, then that would be the correct term for my desk), and actually I would also clean up my bookshelf.

So what do I do if I do not write and do not clean up and no longer am in the theater?

nothing. I watch stupid movies in public television, always the last time in culture 3sat and I'm knitting a scarf ...

But today I was in the cinema. Well, that's really special because I that is not so eternal in the cinema was that I can not remember what film I've seen since (with whom and where it was, I remember). So I was in the cinema and I bought one of these overpriced tickets (even on movie day!) And I got "The elegance of Madame Michel" viewed from the novel "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" by Muriel Barbery.

I loved the book (and already given away), I do not know why, because it is in this little world of the house so large.

Some people say that it is simultaneously can love the book and its film adaptation. In addition, the adaptation (very) is free and one could bring as worshipers of the book, of course, totally out of the socket, but that happens - at least for me - not.

The film is different from the book.


But it works the same way. It works the same way as the little big book.

Paloma is not so much the cognitively gifted girls that way makes the world interesting ideas (because which, admittedly, is cinematically very little), she looks at the world as a much younger child, so as someone who has that special eye kept on the world. She sees the world and draws its conclusions, but do not filter somehow. The Adapteure have given her instead of a notebook, a camera, the film Paloma is not so much an observer, but rather a seeing, in the non-supernatural sense of character, it just looks and names the then (what Garance Le Guillermic embodies very pretty and seriously ). Renée Michel (Josiane Balasko - unbelievable) reads. She has an impressive room full of books that looks like in the library, which I in Wolfenbüttel was allowed to visit in January - all of which are incorporated light, otherwise she is a concierge as in the books, although I personally have never met one, at least not outside. If it is the hairdresser and cut her frayed hair can be, then that is not only a transformation to a beautiful woman, but also astonished at himself

And I think this whole movie is a surprise at the itself - and what happens when you start talking with each other.

why I had to cry even before the end.

Fast to tears the way, was also "a day in the year" by Christa Wolf. I've actually read from beginning to end and I think this is the book that changed me. I once read this book, which changed the life is, "Crime and Punishment", but mine is definitely "A day in the year." Suddenly you look into this life, but not linear from one day to the other, but just reading this one day, 27 September each year between 1960 and 2000, where they mostly leave something for Tinka, her younger daughter, birthday, buys flowers or blouses and books (This is not a stylistic device of mine, this is indeed the case). Of course, one wishes for in between, we had more information that we knew more about the in-between, but now that's also what's interesting.

you actually see changes (if you're "here" is not seen changes, but it shows every day).

I believe that through this book, I got more feeling for the DDR than I have in all the history lessons of my life (and that, I had many, because:-credit course) have learned. And about people, about people in the East and writing People over and people in general.

This book is important.

Also: Do not forget, from 21 May takes place the Youth Theater Festival in the honeycomb. As part of that, I read on the 25th May to 21:30 clock in the attic theater with some of my colleagues in the festival newspaper before his own lyrics (I've actually not even "smile of cinnamon" selected, but really texts that I have never read publicly know more. here or here .
And on fourth June I will read clock 21:00 in Kurt loader Club in the young stage reading "Lauschgift" as a guest author. There's more details here .


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