Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tooth Removed Sore Gums

prayer requests for September: Thanks (D), intercession (F)

(D) Jonathan's good start in the 9th grade (Junior High), (D) wider range of Apartments than two years in our price range, (D) a real beautiful vacation together in Europe (D) CCEA has found in his search for a new place ähnlichwie "our" church in Südtaipei (Taipei country) something very nice! (D) for the new young employees with CCEA and CCRA.

(F) Selective looking after new visitors in the community (need for more employees, had 97 new people in a few weeks), (F) for Mission of God raised my classmates and for the timely completion of the thesis on "A missional ecclesiology Asia ", (F) Rita's service in the growing children's choir, Growth and "fire" of children for Jesus, (F) the new contacts outside the community and its (evangelistic) monitoring on the way to the church of Jesus. (F) urgently needed funds f. chines. Mission accounts for the Tao-sheng Theological Seminary, Taipei .


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