Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Buy Tampons Without Your Mom Knowing

The wet nice area, close to school, where we lived
New Record! and the prayer requests for October:

in the age of 8 time living in the same location Taipei we broke our own record of 4 years (at that time in Puli). This time is within a few days at the end. - To this end, several factors have worked together, including the relocation of the community and the office of CCEA. We draw on 13
October at, that we, after the scouring of 25 residences for the last four weeks found something suitable. Our email address is if the phone should change, we will announce it then.

We stay in the Shihlin district, Nordtaipei
The new owner is all Effort to set up all nice (A picture of this, we do not publish for security reasons). He renovated two floors almost completely. The new neighborhood is our very first viewing of the property gives the impression that they are now the days to come we (finally). Many have prayed for the search and a suitable location by the environment should also vote. In these four weeks of intensive search time we have people we knew in advance sometimes not at all, while visiting homes a lot. - We have in the contemplation of the many flats noticed not only better, what we really need, but really only at this one address where we are now will take a unity found in all the arguments. -

Ca 2km away from it, where we will drag
God We are grateful for the eight years that we lived close to the European School. This brought some services to "non-Europeans and Asians Taiwan" with him, we could not even guess at this place statement. Of all things created by this environment as acquaintances, then gave the rash we start working from TECC (working with the "guest workers"), which helped very many communities Taiwan has more to learn about mission. Jonathan was the dt youth work in the absence of a German community is a priceless blessing.

This results in late September / October following prayer requests :
- found for the apartment.
- for all previous help "from above" and man
- Jonathan goes it in the "European High School well - for the good development of the children's choir (Rita's service in the community)
- The monthly prayer letter from our Chinese partner mission, Alain published monthly on the blog of the Taipei Mission prayer circle can now also "Pray " "Pray in Chinese " at the SEND site ( ) can be clicked! (Otherwise: )

Pray for: - (.
for the many service dates next move
- Alain's training seminar on theolog Taosheng (6 courses) to Dec.
- evangelistic event in 1919 with CCEA in Longtan (8/.9.Okt, see picture right)
- The TECC annual meeting, preparing the agenda 2011th
- For geistl. fitness, stay focused on the mission and the goal of our work.
- Alain was supported by the community for teaching Rates for 2011 to be confirmed.
- Pray that the Chinese Chinese prayer letter, which can now be read via also to discover and use it for their prayer life!
- for the speedy introduction of the corrections in the Chinese thesis.
- the people here that we must continue to be a help in the search for eternal life.

Next update expected around October 20


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