Friday, July 2, 2010

Carrot Juice For Tanning

are soon holidays.

The most beautiful thing about theater, I think that since May, all the latent looking forward to the holidays and now that my favorite and the current house, the Komische Oper, the holiday so close imminent (I have one more week samples, then break until 30 August), it is like "back then" in the school, a very nice atmosphere.

It's about time.

And I'm curious to see how the production, in which I jump straight game (or less wild) as a small actress on the stage developed over the summer months, some productions are like yeast dough, you need a bit and then wait for it to unfold in earnest.

I still stick to Christa Wolf, since A day in I have her poetry readings from Frankfurt ( conditions of a story: Kassandra ) and What remains read. And thanks to my dear Brigitte I have now is a beautiful band with three stories of it, which I now find Hans Neuenfels' How much music does a person need? About Opera and composer , I've recently bought a copy of defects in the road at Reinhardt Langer Blomqvist , will result in mind.

Careful observers may have noticed that my list of links on the side every now and then get growth. By Newest I'm of course only once linked Lauschgift where I am with my first reading stage presence have felt very comfortable, and my dear friend Lydia Dimitrov with their brand new website that I like the way, very good.

And she is always happy when she gets there, virtual visit. ;)

PS: I collect book just like ... who has what? Who will give me what?


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