Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Best Medal Core Scooter Wheels

II 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... DEER!

The whole last week I've been in Mannheim.

Or rather: in Schwetzingen.

When Mozart summer Mannheim (who, have experienced, I always alternate takes place with the Schiller days - yes, it's very exhausting to be in as a city that has so many famous people in the relationship) because they have there a program that is mozart prism and is a scholarship program for students.

"brand" for this whole program is the way a deer had been, there is also a theater on the roof of the porch, which it gave up the flag in white and stark in front of the Mannheim Haufbahnhof a Pink.

saw like this: 33 different young people (more or less on even non-students (I was) to the finished studied so pretty much all shades of it) will be invited to Mannheim (or Schwetzingen) each get a room at the Hotel Zagreb (neighbors: towards the Mighty Warrior Christian Centre, next door, the Jehovah's Witnesses) and a pink lanyard on which hangs a map of "Staff" and "Mannheim National Theatre stands. With these cards you can go at any time in the Schwetzingen Castle Park, where then nice Lectures, seminars and workshops (in my case, a theater management seminar with Gerd Leo Kuck, a director workshop with Joachim Schloemer, a (very funny) discussion with Prof. Dr. Susanne Vill, lectures by Bernhad Lange and Adriana Hölsky and an interview with members of Concerto Köln took place). In the evening we went to the theater. In most cases, to Mannheim, where one has the rather silly Puppenthetaer ("The Magic Flute - A test "), a very nice concert (" The Abduction in the Seraglio ") and a grand review of the central part of the odyssey trilogy by Joachim Schloemer has seen, and once to Schwetzingen, where the top of the second Rankings were right next to or behind columns, and simply those where you only saw the empty right side of the stage - there you have it, "La Clemenza di Tito" (director: Günther Krämer) viewed or rather, heard.

This evening I found the staging just terribly boring and unmotivated - to the beginning, I was wondering where in fact "in concert" ends and "staged" begins, but on it a day, during the debriefing, I noticed that I've probably just seen too much to me to form a real opinion. This is really bad twice, firstly because I had done to actually write a critique about it, then by saying "Actually, the evening was not the sweetness, but the hardness" (in allusion to the title, I find it to should still awfully funny border), partly because there just was no second chance to see it themselves.

between all the talks and performances and seminars, it was - especially in my group - enough time for good conversation (about theater and music especially, of course) managed by us and I've even to go to Heidelberg - so I used the opportunity well before I again not ever come in the south of Germany.

And of course you could once again see how small you the world but is actually from 33, there were four people including me, are either still working at the Komische Oper, or once worked have. That is, four of which I know for sure. And there was someone here that my love Mithospitantin from Fidelio knows.


week after next I'll disappear the way, three days after Werftpfuhl to the writing workshop and then on 7 WORDS AGAIN August in the Chapel Theatre (Boxhagener road 99/Mainzer road) Berlin read probably quite possibly at the final reading. (More information at )

this posting the way I have during the train (I heard "Rusalka" in Czech, this piece must be a kind of fashion, next season to make so incredibly many houses in this piece) written while in the corridor outside my compartment a bunch of authoritarian, anti-behaved children of the noise to follow the war played or James Bond or something.

In this sense.

you soon.

PS: The title is a quote from today the day that all fellows have been photographed for the newspaper Schwetzingen and someone came up with the idea that we would have all hands as Deer antlers hold to his temples. We all at our deer did, someone shouted "One, Two, Three, HIRSCH". That was terrific. By the way, even if I stand here as a spoilsport, I have not made the deer. ;)


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