Friday, June 4, 2010

Marine Propeller Power

Friday, 4 June 2010, 20.00-22.00 clock : Taiwan prayer evening at the German Mission Community!
line : Alain Haudenschild
Content: The religious and cultural heart of Taiwan's modern society shows how alive at the annual "Lantern Festival" (DVD), The work, focus and urgent needs in the national work of Protestant missions in Taiwan, Nationalist China (DVD review of TMF), as well as an insight into the "missiological Workshop" of SEND International, a mission partner and personal "prayer" projects. This is also a rare glimpse into the plans and the targeted creation of the Christian churches / churches of Taiwan ...

There is currently nowhere in Germany for this country of 24 million people-to-date prayer meeting with prayer, please!
Directions: For information on directions to the DMG website at h ttp: / / be removed, or simply call at 07 265 959-0


20.00: Opening and welcome of the evening
Presentation of the program flow

20:05 DVD "The Night of Magic 1 - The Lantern Festival in Taiwan: an insight into the heart of Sino-religious thought in the middle of a modern meritocracy

20:30 to 20:40 prayer in groups (each group will receive separate prayer) 20:40 to 20:50

DVD "The Legend of Matzu" Taiwan and the urgency to get outside help ...

20:50 to 21:00 in prayer groups for the evangelical missions Taiwan

21:00 to 21:10 BREAK and kl. Takeaway

21:10 to 20:15: "Vision 119" - The really unreached Taiwan successfully get into the kingdom of God

21:15 to 21:30: Prayer for the mobilization of new employees, missionaries in the home service, missions in Taiwan

21.30-21-45: "The mobilization of the Chinese Mission to the World" - a new phase has already started. A series of slides showing new ways out of an intellectual bottleneck for cross-cultural mission work.

21.45.-21:55: Prayer in groups (prayer requests on slips of paper)

21:55: Common Prayer for the home service, the revival of communities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria to support the service

22.00: Concluding blessing prayer


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