Monday, June 28, 2010

Decorating A Hall For A 50th Birthday Party

Registrations: Club Championship & FETM 2010

The summer holidays are almost upon us. Reason enough to fill up our strength for the two major events in August: From Friday, 06 August to Sunday 15 August 2010 guest appearance as the traditional 43rd Fricktaler Individual Tennis Championships on investments in Möhlin (finals) and Rheinfelden. To this end, the tennis club seeks volunteers for its diligent Rheinfelden Club restaurant.

> members call: looking for volunteers - Club Restaurant (FETM 2010)

Even after the greatest tennis tournament in the North West Switzerland are offered in the field Enger competitive tennis. From Friday, 20th August 2010 to Sunday 29 August 2010, the Club Championship 2010 discharged. Registration is still up on 13 August possible.

> Online registration is pleased to
> tender for the Club Championship

The Tennis Club Rheinfelden over many registrations for its club members for the said tournament events.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cervical Radiculopathy Dvd

Interclub 2010 season (review)

two climbs in the first League! The TC can Rheinfelden on one of the most successful Interclub seasons look back in recent years.

> newspaper article: "TC Rheinfelden celebrates two climbs"
> Results / Tables of Inter Club 2010 season

On Junior Interclub participated in this year two teams the TC Rheinfelden: The boys C reached after meetings against brother Wood (0-3), Haug ravens (2 1) and tennis at the Birs (1:2) the third final place. The boys B qualified thanks to two significant victories against Bächliacker (5:1) and Haug Raven II (6-0) for the knockout phase where they will meet in late August at Old Boys Basel.

Monday, June 14, 2010

All Nighter Wood Stove Chimney


I've read.

twice since the last entry.

first (on the "Today" from the last time that - I give's to - very confusing entry here) at the Youth Theater Festival at the theater under the roof (! Is a report available here), once again what canned . Although I did not ask is a text that is already somewhat elderly (2010, originated in Lilawo, is a part of it is already here ), I still have it somewhere never read, so it was in spite of the old text somehow a Premiere ( Cinnamon smile all else fails, I think, especially not smile at the Berlin Festival, or the ladies and gentlemen, there still think that I might otherwise save and it look like a spice). It was fun, simply because I had read the text just never, it was new and because it is different to read a text from the public as from themselves have before and after me, of course, others have read, all ladies and colleagues and for the wonderful interludes, David Erekul (as with the TJA-reading) provided. I think the piano for a magical instrument, and I admire anyone who can play on it and it somehow expresses itself. Together we have read in the presence of relatively many people for an hour and made music (ie music made David alone, though - Lydia with her illness bravely sung Kratzestimme because it required her scene).

And Lena has designed in the days after a beautiful FZ extra edition with our lyrics.

good week and a half later I was a guest at the young, heartfelt reading stage Lauschgift in Kurt-loading club in Pankow. Lydia had asked me even before the TTJ if I on 4 June wants to come read and I just decided at that time promised. Also, I had made myself to write a new text for the occasion, which I then in the last two hours before I'm done losmusste (including proof-reading on the train). The "journey" was very exciting, it took almost an hour and the fact that currently is felt throughout Pankow built nationwide, has made it even more experienced. Herrlich.

Because I've read two texts, there were in addition to the new and an old one from last October, but which I did not ask how I read it and never have to try so wanted to. Did not work, roll is not a reading text, I do now (apart from the fact that I am in a sentence in the same place three times read did (see picture) and have so destroyed the whole mood, no matter ...). Nachchilli it was quite good, I have the feeling that you have with the text once tried something new. I think he is more concrete than what I'm doing it otherwise.

Also, I was still allowed in a scenic text from my dear Lydia that is read along a young woman who likes to put big words and deeds ("Let us stop the capitalism") and at the same time presents, fairy lights to go shopping for farewell parties.

Oh, that was such a beautiful evening, sometimes with completely new people, and entirely new text, wonderful text, not only the prose surrounding the death "(as Lydia text by Yulia rewrote appropriate), but also semi-dry stories of Thomas Mann and a very strange son and love and love and poetry, for although I have no mind, but I still like it. Herrlich.

All that's missed, are to blame.

Here 's ne pickings with photos!

And here my night Chilli to listen. (You have to scroll down a bit on the tracks above)

Otherwise, I'm often been to the theater, even after the TTJ. I still wanted to write about Hedda Gabler at the theater, I probably would make it, I'm still behind but the extra piece read because I wanted to get more feeling for the text and the staging and the differences. I think there will be something to it.

So I will not simply leave out with a bit blah and links, and promises, there's still black and white, an extract from night Chilli :

"You sit there with your Jean-Paul Satre-sweater-and the cheap canteen chili at the table and get you so shit Avant-garde take place before, that you look at me only on the edges of your glasses away.

I do not think you really none of them are intellectuals who call themselves so, and that you have learned cooking times. You say One can see quite exactly what he wanted for a scenic effect have it, but somehow the shredded - do not you think? and I think if you had said that two years ago to me, I would marry you immediately, no matter how you look avant happen here. "

/ Lisa Wiegand, 4 June 2010

Image: George Seifert

Friday, June 4, 2010

Marine Propeller Power

Friday, 4 June 2010, 20.00-22.00 clock : Taiwan prayer evening at the German Mission Community!
line : Alain Haudenschild
Content: The religious and cultural heart of Taiwan's modern society shows how alive at the annual "Lantern Festival" (DVD), The work, focus and urgent needs in the national work of Protestant missions in Taiwan, Nationalist China (DVD review of TMF), as well as an insight into the "missiological Workshop" of SEND International, a mission partner and personal "prayer" projects. This is also a rare glimpse into the plans and the targeted creation of the Christian churches / churches of Taiwan ...

There is currently nowhere in Germany for this country of 24 million people-to-date prayer meeting with prayer, please!
Directions: For information on directions to the DMG website at h ttp: / / be removed, or simply call at 07 265 959-0


20.00: Opening and welcome of the evening
Presentation of the program flow

20:05 DVD "The Night of Magic 1 - The Lantern Festival in Taiwan: an insight into the heart of Sino-religious thought in the middle of a modern meritocracy

20:30 to 20:40 prayer in groups (each group will receive separate prayer) 20:40 to 20:50

DVD "The Legend of Matzu" Taiwan and the urgency to get outside help ...

20:50 to 21:00 in prayer groups for the evangelical missions Taiwan

21:00 to 21:10 BREAK and kl. Takeaway

21:10 to 20:15: "Vision 119" - The really unreached Taiwan successfully get into the kingdom of God

21:15 to 21:30: Prayer for the mobilization of new employees, missionaries in the home service, missions in Taiwan

21.30-21-45: "The mobilization of the Chinese Mission to the World" - a new phase has already started. A series of slides showing new ways out of an intellectual bottleneck for cross-cultural mission work.

21.45.-21:55: Prayer in groups (prayer requests on slips of paper)

21:55: Common Prayer for the home service, the revival of communities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria to support the service

22.00: Concluding blessing prayer