Friday, February 19, 2010

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wisdom and folly of marriage

For Charlie Chaplin was

content of e-books' wisdom and folly of marriage "by Doris Probst marriage for love is no impediment. Rita Hayworth believed that marriage is far too interesting experiment to try only once. Honoré de Balzac was married for a science and Oscar Wilde for mutual restraint by both parties. What famous people said about the cohabitation between man and wife, Doris Probst has collected in her book, "Wisdom and folly of marriage." Doris Probst has edited a book series with aphorisms about age, work, marriage, women, football, kids, love, men, the media and mothers. She also recorded the paperback "eagle scream and Brimstone" with Poems of famous writers about animals in words and pictures.

orders of e-books' wisdom and folly of marriage "with" GRIN "

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

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Collisions with amphibians

I'm now including "Axolotl Road Kill" read by Helen Hegemann - after I do not really wanted, I wanted my information only from newspaper articles (in the dramaturgy of the GRIPS Theatre somehow from the ground seems to grow) - and the only thing I can think of this is: "Ah So that was this."

Actually, I've only read it because I by Volker Ludwig at the premiere of "STRESS! The rest of life" (incidentally, it has sometimes get pretty bad reviews, but I stand to it I's still like, I like the text already like) - I'm So anyway on Saturday or Sunday and started to read this morning it was "finally" over.. An unpleasant drug trip (I told Regine: "I'm always with Big Deal in the background reading and this is actually quite interesting in terms of the parent-child relationship, as shattered completely or not at present - and also takes in Tour of a drug, the narrator! ") - So basically I have to even take any more drugs.
be honest: I do not know what to say the book myself, I might say "The fact that the youth today has no chance, that this world is only worth living to a small extent" not, that is not mine.
For me, this book is a kind of caricature of a sixteen-year life (to my mind you notice within this "work" even a language change - during the first half is all more or less the "sovereign", it is the In the second part is less, although it still occurs).
And even more honest: I'm not so clear that anyone write off (and obviously it zeitgeist or "in" or considers appropriate) indicating the source and not all are still horny and he apparently did not worry about it.
This annoys me really. I mean, incredibly giving many young writers are damn hard and shade their new world for themselves. These young authors gründeln around somewhere while this Abschreibedings selling like mad.

Finally, there is a place that has impressed me, nevertheless, very (to all that really annoyed me, where I thought, "That is not the truth!"), both linguistically and cognitively. A body will I quote here, which really is unverwerflich after the copy & paste Moral:
" I would have photographed pages from the photo album of my grandmother, from which my mother's childhood photos of themselves has stolen. You see the sides, and that was something there and that since photographs were stolen from my mother who is dead. No one knows where these photos. I think something more intimate, there is not. "(page 92; Helen Hegemann, Axolotl Road Kill , Ullstein publishers, Berlin 2010)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

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Where Grips looks like performance - January Impressions

Grips piece ends with a community and all closing scene is sung a song. Something "stick" with "bigger", "together be strong" or. It is about a child's or youth group who have problems that are solved in the end.

And then there are songs like Haram (Subtitle: History of a Moroccan family, directed by Yüksel Yolcu). Since the end is a song sung in Arabic, because in the end, all together, but Haram is different.

It tells the story of siblings Houari, Aziza and Said, who live in the Netherlands, but spend their holidays in Morocco in the relationship. On the last day of vacation to learn that only the father will go back "home" while the children remain with the mother in Morocco. The children (almost 14, 12 and 10) presents the problems on several: You could say goodbye to anyone, they can not good enough Arabic and, especially as the only girl Aziza worried about their future position. Houari from you and tear and wish to travel to the Netherlands ...

The piece lives mainly on the deviation of the typical Grips style, the roles are (apparently, of course not really) spread spontaneously on stage, in part, read from the text book. Thus, the story takes on an entirely different type of content away from driving, it makes it exciting for a sequence and blurs the line between players and audience - in a pleasant way here is the children's theater convention broken and the idea takes on an aesthetic that is more expected in the Sophiensælen or at HAU.

I was thrilled!

Even though the idea where I was (Sunday, 17 January, 18:00 clock) only about 30 people was a shame.

Finally, and as I've blogged so long, there is a section of a Text that also happens to be on 17 January is created - it will still grow, the text and has been the title cuisine days :

My father has the legs with plastic wrap. With what he puts in the winter to the balcony pots so the roots do not freeze to death. And it is not even an old, expensive table, but one of the Ikea brand Sören or Smorrebro.

I cut the plastic of my father and let it fall to the ground, which is gray and PVC, and let it lie there. Because the water on the stove, which is already connected, cooks. Or because it does not boil and the faster it does when the water through the opaque lid rigid.

The plastic is there and I do not see it because I want to look in the pot, and it concerns me anyway.

I think of Mara and the fact that they would not have their legs wrapped in plastic and not her father.

And because I really do not want to think about it.

first Version, January 2010 © Lisa Wiegand

PS: I will probably on 18 March 7:15 p.m. to 20:15 clock in the Moritzbastei Leipzig in Leipzig Long night of my text "After Cinnamon Cheese" Read - With me will also be my dear co-TJAler Jule, Khesrau and Kai. I would look for familiar faces there (comes from Berlin, Leipzig is only an hour away;)). For more information, here !

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wich Is The Best Doble Din Gps

E-book "Words are like weapons. Wisdom and follies of the media"

content of the e-book, edited by Doris Probst and Ernst Probst "Words are like weapons of wisdom and folly of the media."

"A journalist is someone who after everything has known before, "observed the Austrian writer Karl Kraus. His compatriot and professional colleague of Heimito Doderer thought: "A journalist a man who always has to do something important and therefore never come to the important "And the American writer Mark Twain said." Journalists are people who think a life about which job they have actually missed "These and other wisdom. and follies of the media presents, edited by Doris Probst and Ernst Probst E-book "Words are like weapons" in word and image. "With all it contains and partly justified criticism should not be forgotten that the media people are ultimately only human "to recommend the two editors. Ernst Probst has more than 30 years working as an editor and published over 30 books.

Order the e-book on "GRIN" "Words are like weapons of wisdom and folly of the media."

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E-Book "The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football"

content of the e-book "The ball is a bastard wisdom. and follies of football, "

" The only thing that has moved in the first half, was the wind, "moaned Franz Beckenbauer. "The ball is a bastard," shouted Rudi Gutendorf. "It is at the moment 1-1. But it could have gone the other way around, "said Heribert Fassbender. "Each side has two medals," Mario Basler was wrong. "One has the impression that because a Igel against a turtle fight "grumbled Günther Jauch. "If we do not win, then we connect them at least break the lawn" defied Rolf Rüssmann. "We must now put the sand in the head," advised Lothar Matthäus. "At first we had no luck and then even bad luck arrived" resigned Uwe Wegmann. Such quotations from players, coaches, managers and journalists can be found in edited by Doris Probst and Ernst Probst E-Book "The ball is a bastard." Many of these "flashes" should not be taken too seriously, but remember, what nonsense you have sometimes expressed themselves in the heat of the moment added.

order the e-book "The ball is a bastard" at "GRIN"

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E-Book "The Adventures of Hercules in word and image "

content of e-books "The Adventures of Hercules in word and image"

Heracles (Hercules) is regarded as the greatest hero of Greek mythology and as a demigod. He was the son of Zeus and the earthly king wife Alcmene. In the service of King Eurystheus Heracles twelve heroes accomplished deeds. By Deianira of skilful and with the blood of the centaur Nessus robe soaked Heracles suffered intolerable pain, let burn so, was taken to Mount Olympus and was selected as the wife.

order the e-book "The Adventures of Hercules in word and image" with "GRIN" word-and image

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E-Book" The Trojan War "

content of the e-book "The Trojan War:

The Trojan War, the long years of bloody conflict between the Greeks called against the Trojans. Precipitating cause of this quarrel, according to legend, the abduction of Helen of Troy, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta, by Paris Prince have been made of Troy. In reality it was probably more of a struggle of the Greeks, the purpose of setting on the Dardanelles, on the trade route to the Black Sea. The Trojan War is said to have taken place more than 3100 years ago in the Bronze Age. When the Greeks under King Agamemnon of Mycenae fought his brother Menelaus and Odysseus, Achilles and Ajax. On the side of the Trojans led by Hector, the eldest son of King Priam of Troy, were Paris, Troilus and Aeneas. The Trojan War was only decided in the tenth year of the siege of Troy by a trick of the Greeks in their favor. The Greeks built on the advice of Odysseus, a giant wooden horse, in whose belly the bravest of their heroes hidden. After the alleged withdrawal of the Greeks, the Trojans brought the wooden horse (a "Trojan horse") and with his conqueror in the city. Troy was destroyed by the Greeks, most of its inhabitants were killed or enslaved.

order the e-book "The Trojan War" in "GRIN"

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E-Book" The Lusatian culture

content of the e-book "The Lusatian culture" by Ernst Probst: The Bronze Age is

over 2000 to 800 BC when the first and longer of the Metal Ages in Europe. During this time, tools, weapons and ornaments made of bronze were made. In some areas of the Bronze Age had a different time period. So they began in southern Germany before about 2300 BC and ended around 800 BC In northern Germany, however, it lasted from about 1600 to 500 BC One of the most important Bronze Age cultures of Central Europe was v. by about 1300 to 500 BC . Lusatian culture. Its distribution area extended in the west to the Saale in central Germany, while in the southern North Bohemia, North Moravia, and the north-western Slovakia included. In the north-west was the southern Brandenburg to the east and formed the present-day Polish province of Posen (Poznan) the border. The distinguished archaeologist between eastern, western, Moravian-Silesian, Upper Silesian-Polish, Silesian and a medium-Lausitz-Saxon group. For the western group reckoned that once, especially in the Lausitz, Brandenburg and Saxony in the southern resident Lausitz-Saxon group. The term "Lusatian culture" in 1880 marked the then acting in Berlin pathologist Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). The text of the Lusatian culture comes from the print book "Germany in the Bronze Age" (1996) Science of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst old German spelling and corresponds to the standard of knowledge. Other cultures of the Bronze Age from Germany are also in individual publications presented.

order the e-book "The Lusatian culture" "GRIN"

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E-Book "The Nordic Bronze Age"

content of the e-book "The Nordic Bronze Age" by Ernst Probst:

The Bronze Age is more than 2000-800 BC as the first and longer of the Metal Ages in Europe. During this time, tools, weapons and ornaments made of bronze were made. In some areas of the Bronze Age had a different time period. So they began in southern Germany before about 2300 BC and ended around 800 BC In northern Germany, however, it lasted from about 1600 to 500 BC BC The spread of the Bronze Age cultures in Germany include the Nordic Bronze Age or early Bronze Age of the Northern district (about 1800 to 1500 BC), the Northern Early Bronze Age (about 1500 to 1200 BC), the Nordic Middle Bronze Age (about 1200 to 1100. BC) and the Nordic Late Bronze Age (about 1100 to 800 BC). The Swedish archaeologist Oscar Montelius of the (1843-1921) derived term "Nordic group" based on the intrinsically-sized development of northern regions of Europe. The texts of the Nordic Bronze Age date from the print book "Germany in the Bronze Age" (1996) of the Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst old German spelling and comply with the standard of knowledge. Other cultures of the Bronze Age from Germany will also be presented in separate publications.

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E-Book "The urnfield culture"

: order the e-book "The Nordic Bronze Age" at "GRIN"

content of the e-book "The urnfield culture" by Ernst Probst:

The Bronze Age is more than 2000-800 BC as the first and longer of the Metal Ages in Europe. During this time, tools, weapons and ornaments made of bronze were made. In some areas the Bronze Age had a different time period. So they began in southern Germany before about 2300 BC and ended around 800 BC In northern Germany, however, it lasted from about 1600 to 500 BC The spread in Germany Cultures of the Bronze Age urn field culture is against such 1300/1200 to 800 BC It is valid in Europe as one of the major cultures of the Late Bronze Age and could be from the northern Balkan countries on the Danube to the Upper Rhine region spread. In Germany it was in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia parts (Lower Rhine Basin) and south home of the Thuringian Forest. The term urnfield culture based upon the that were then burned to death on funeral pyre and then often dumped their ashes or bones in clay urns and buried in cremations. Occasionally formed the cremations urns expansive fields with dozens or hundreds of funerals. The text on the urnfield culture comes from the print book "Germany in the Bronze Age" (1996) Science of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst old German spelling and corresponds to the standard of knowledge. Other cultures of the Bronze Age from Germany will also be presented in separate publications.

order the e-book "The urn-field culture" "GRIN"

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E-Book "The Stade group in the Bronze Age "

content of the e-book "The Stade group in the Bronze Age," by Ernst Probst:

The Bronze Age is more than 2000-800 BC as the first and longer of the Metal Ages in Europe. During this time, tools, weapons and ornaments made of bronze were made. In some areas of the Bronze Age had a different time period. So they began in southern Germany before about 2300 BC and ended around 800 BC In northern Germany, however, it lasted from about 1600 to 500 BC

The spread of the Bronze Age cultures in Germany include the Stade Group the earlier Bronze Age (about 1500 to 1200 BC), the Stade group in the Middle Bronze Age (about 1200 to 1100. BC) and the Stade group in the early Bronze Age (about 1100 to 800 BC). The term "Stader group has used 1981, the archaeologist Arne Lucke in his Hamburg dissertation for the first time for a local group of the early Bronze Age. In contrast, use of the Hamburg archaeologist Friedrich Laux called "Stader group," he mentioned in 1987 at a lecture in Bad Stuer and which he in 1991 in an essay back, reached for a group that in the older, middle and late Bronze Age claimed. Read

this is in the E-Book "The Stade Group in the Bronze Age "of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. The 61-page book is published in "GRIN for academic texts" and as a printed book wholesaler in Paperback "Libri" at the Internet address / action / quick search? searchString = The + + + Group Stader available.

The texts of the Stade group are from the print book "Germany in the Bronze Age" (1996) by Ernst Probst old German spelling and comply with the standard of knowledge. Other cultures of the Bronze Age from Germany are also in individual publications presented and are available at "Libri".

order the e-book "The Stade group" with "GRIN"