Thursday, January 21, 2010

27 Weeks Pregnant And I Have Pains At Night

our February prayer news :
It is again the time before the Chinese New Year, a time of economic boom for the temples and a time of further challenges for Christians of Jesus successor to stand the often subtle pressure from families with the tradition of ancestor worship, the ancestors and spirits to participate, not to yield. Some give in that family time in their worship of the one following the death worried Grandmother, grandfather / father etc. love the 'peace' sake to repent for, just after the often bitter and in tears, as Esau sold his birthright when he for a vile mess of pottage (Gen. 24, 29-34). Usually appear as a result of this occult strange diseases and / or problems in following Jesus. Jesus says quite clearly no one can serve two masters (Matt. 6:24) - God's glory to be said must be said that after long years of personal prayer last year in which this matter then the content of the community prayers and spiritual motto of the Year been told was particularly experienced by many members of our community families, like their non-Christian relatives and family members precipitated a decision for Jesus. Other communities are still waiting. Pray also for the following concerns:

- The U mzug the community will still take until May because the long runs for a spiritual "District Centre" because of reconstruction can not be fulfilled so soon.
- The contract for the printing of bilingual Luke was indeed given some time, but then suddenly appeared in filling the extra pages in Indonesian questions. - The financing is secured only to 30%! - Pray for a wonderful and successful pressure that the 5000 Gospels can all be paid on time and for a strategically meaningful distribution of Issues in communities in with (much) Indonesians who are married to a Taiwanese man.
- Alain's edition of the joint Feldforschunsarbeit and its evaluation for the field in the coming months.
- The good of a Taiwanese learning German translated into Mandarin thesis on the question of how to bring on a biblical way the Hakka of Taiwan, the gospel is now the principal of the Theological Seminary of the Hakka in Chudung. Pray that this busy man at the last inspection, the theologically appropriate counterpart in Mandarin for a few key words found so that future Hakkaleiter can start with the content correspondingly more.
- For the Items of the Secretary for the sending work has surprisingly found a solution: Alain's longtime translator, who was already in Germany to the Chinese in a short time with use, has applied for and was accepted by SEND! - It will also support in the absence of Alain's mission prayer group administratively in Taipei. This came just in time!
- CCEA is looking for a new place, everything is too small and so are larger office space to accommodate the various new branches of work needed. The work of TECC is outsourced, for the most part already, but all other services of the Chinese Mission Center in Taiwan are still affected elementary. This time something is to be purchased.


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