Saturday, December 26, 2009

Plus Size Ladies Toronto

"for rent tennis courts made easy"

In the December issue of "maid Dorfzytig" - ships for free to all households in Magden - has recently published a full page article on Tennis Club Rheinfelden appeared.

> "for rent tennis courts Made Easy" (MAGD Dorfzytig)

Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Congrats New Baby

A reservation system as a guarantee of success

almost forty Attending were recently at the 83rd Annual General Meeting of the tennis club Rheinfelden look back on a very successful club year with a variety of social and sporting highlights. Continue reading ...

NOTE: A member shall not be given interminable gave the Tennis Club Rheinfelden at the end of the 83rd Annual General Meeting its units. The Board is grateful for this generous gesture and would be delighted if other holders of such shares it would take a model .

It is a donation table for all patrons be established. The donations are earmarked for future renovation and maintenance work at the Tennis Club Rheinfelden used.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where To Get Brazilian Wax In Ottawa

new bank

So, I just wanted to, for all of you that do not know

After I had done the week had to pass from the comic opera (which I really fell hard, but I tend indeed to dramatic and bye hate!), I am now since yesterday, part of the GRIPS-family and am now fully in the STRESS! The rest is life- matter (premiere on 11 February 2010). Tomorrow is (long) sample design, what the playwright and Hospitantin (me) tomorrow at noon means a lot of work (kopieren. ...) and I'm excited. Still I am curious to see if I can, what happens to the text; (! Even if the nested and original narrative style has disappeared in the course of the various versions, unfortunately, but I an see, it would cause problems) I love this text and I am very happy, trainees of the production to be!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bushnell Sportsman 4-12

Highlight of the tournament calendar

The Rheinfelder Junior Indoor Tournament, a gathering place of the regional tennis junior, took on his fifteenth host a rather unusual conclusion. Continue reading ...

> Tableaux and all seasons at a glance (

ADDENDUM: The finals moved to the U14 boys was won by home rider Fabrizio Petraglio (6:1 against 6:4 Simon readers). He crowned himself for the very first Rheinfelder tournament winner in a boys' table since 1997, when Philip was victorious Swiss.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Church Letter For New Baby

Dreamcatcher other way

Somehow I just feel like blogging. So there's a section from my text, which occurred during 2009 tja is. So something really new:

"(...) through a screen you can see nobody is really smiling, really he could have the rent for the shop also save, print at home, the two streets Next is the smell anyway after the ink and ink, after funeral cards, love letters and yellow-nots. Then a little more money left for him and he no longer would have in the store sit all day because the tools were in the apartment, and he could accept packages for you and print it for the neighbors and the mailman's signature on the handheld computer in lowercase letters, each on anyway only wavy lines painted and then pretend that it would be the name. And then would the wet prints on the table in the kitchen and on the table in the room and on the floor in the hallway and the semi-dried would be on a line above the bed hanging, but only the red with the letters, so the beautiful stories about the tingling before printing, the stories in red is different because there is not talked over the printing, in his head fall asleep and he can dream stories red, dream catchers the other way. The black would hang over the toilet, so that the bad things in the messages and cards are taken at the next sink, away from the apartment. (...)" © 2009 Lisa Wiegand

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gpsphone Pokemon Fire Red Gameshark Cheats

Why are some sentences

Sometimes I write my sentences in notebooks.

I correct my sentences, the real people I know have said once and I have a relationship (the sets, I mean). Sentences that touch me or give me some momentum.

Today I thought about it from a recent occasion, what are the rates and why they do it with me, what they do to me. And I have come to a result which does not make me really happy, but somehow the best is.

There are phrases that, in my view very much to that which it says have to do without that person necessarily notice it. Sentences that have something to do with me - therefore logically be said of people who I feel is very similar to me.

Most magic but somehow sentences that are said by the way and not notice the person speaking, what they are saying about themselves really.

Those are points that I am interested in people.

did I just say briefly, if sometimes flip through someone my notebook (although I do not like to have) and (faked), something that he / she said has found - then you do not offend or do not be surprised.

It is only because you said nice things.

Remove Dandruff With Electric Toothbrush

Rita on 6 his November, a very successful final concert presented, although they had no idea how to finish the evaluation. But now it is over and yes it may quietly say out loud with the 120 participants, and God's help, the real gift and a great answer to prayer (PTL) was! After all, some of Rita's colleagues who could better play the piano when she began not as yet arrived!
-The contract for the printing of the bilingual in Indonesian, Mandarin Luke was finally submitted after nearly 6 months of disruption and delay. Unlike in the past, we now have the belief that God the rest of the money needed for the 5,000 copies (about 3700 give €) is still, for the spiritual need among Indonesian women, particularly in the South enormous.
- In the month to be taken "Timothy Circle in the village there are some Missionsinteresierte who want more of God's personal journey with them on mission and how to get in the mission to meet. This is Alain become a monthly basis since September of invited participants .- Pray for true vocations to missionary work in cross-cultural relationships with our partners' mission. Since you would help the subject to stay and grow.
- We pray for vocations to clear long-term mission work by the work of the missionary prayer circle in Taipei, which also meets monthly .-
- currently run pre-Christmas crusades. Pray for great eternal fruit.
- Please also pray for the preparation and implementation of the German Christmas service. Although we usually bring us to the Chinese communities, we will help this year because of the lack of other German-speaking employees. - For some children it is simply the great annual event in which she ever experienced something of a Christian festival culture!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do I Need To Get Narrow In Dansko

15th Rheinfelden junior indoor tournament

In the coming days - from Friday 27 November 2009 to Tuesday 01 December 2009 - is our traditional site of the popular tennis club Rheinfelder junior indoor tournament (15th edition). Please note in this context that the tennis club on match days was fully booked for the occasion, as is clear from our seat reservation system is .

> Tableaux and all seasons Overview

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Positions For Brazilian Wacing

invitation to the meeting

On Friday 11 December 2009 (18.30 clock) is the 83rd Annual General Meeting of the tennis club held Rheinfelden. The meeting agenda, see the following invitation.

> invitation to the 83rd Annual General Meeting

How Much Is A Top Denture Plate

Registration: New Year's Day Tournament and Inter Club 2010

The old year draws to a close: the first date In 2010 the New Year's tournament is on the program, which on Saturday 16 January 2010 held on our system is. The reason is as tennis and Gambletournament under the motto "Come in and try your luck ..." - All risk-taking gamblers are welcome!

> registration form for the New Year tournament

must also once again planning for the 2010 season Interclub be addressed. The Game Commission will accept your registration until end of November. We would like to point out that each player individually register must and therefore no common applications are accepted. All regular Schedule can be found in the subsequent tender.

> registration form for the Inter-Club 2010 season

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Want Meagan Good Haircut

me touch ya ... even a small tip

So after I had let go of the old address my shouts of joy over the TJA, as I still sometimes subtle point on it: So on Friday, 13 November we read twenty young authors of the vintage 2009 at 19:00 clock our selected texts in HAU 2 (Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin). The entrance fee is 4 euros and tickets will still be determined at the box office!

I look forward to you (and you are very happy to hopefully our lyrics: D)


Friday, October 30, 2009

What Causes Leg Pimples

read in times of internship

So, since September I arrived in the era of the internship and working - so the two. :)

include "suffering" to read, I know, so does the balance sheet since early September, a bit sad from:
Kirsten Fuchs ... Heile, Heile (in the regional train to Magdeburg in tears broken!)
Judith Hermann ... Nothing but Ghosts (the stories that you keep in mind are great )
Herta Müller . .. Atemschaukel (was not so I's good - the magic of the book are little the words and a lot of the "music" behind it!)
and a book whose title I will not write here because it's embarrassing. :)
I have also since yesterday, a third of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Miss Sara Sampson read - and my non-Roman and dramatic Reading stack grows with each new magazine and every new paper I put on it (Logically anyway) - or bring the Post ...
HELP!! ;)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Long Is Hearing Loss With Ear Infection

to time change

To celebrate this weekend (I am every year sad when it's over), which has 49 hours, I give you today a paragraph from my last text to now Ausrollenankommen means. Have fun with it and I would appreciate any comments.

"(...) He sees them and recognizes them, despite the cap that is too deep in her forehead, the eyebrows covered. Smile. There you are, she says, he had not said where smiles.

the cap moves from the head in one go, with your hand in front of the forehead, above the hair to the hat without head stuck between the fingers. Yes, he replies, laughing Sun Of course, what do you think?

She shakes her head, despite knowing that this is an impossible to answer such a question. Hello at first, he says, laughing even more. They, too, but only, not on its own. (...)"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rude Baby Congratulations


so that's Spiral Blog Reloaded - I am happy!

The old posts you can still read below spiral Blog .
Starting Over - let us drink!

your Lisanne

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Too Much Salt Hair Loss

October (prayer) messages from Taipei
The general situation:
While in Germany the harvest festival is celebrated, this place this year almost to the day on the feast day of the Autumn Moon Festival, the ancient Chinese Thanksgiving. - The ROC (Republic of China, commonly "Taiwan" after the name of the largest island of the RoCgenannt) will organize this year because of the over 700 deaths caused by typhoon Morakot not on the national public holidays, which meets with general approval (10.10.). In many of the everyday is not yet returned to the familiar paths. Although the incidence of Katastrophennachirchten in neighboring countries, the media people too busy, it is clear that this is the consequences of the flooding disaster, with its Milliarenschäden not easily undone makes. -
to mobilize to help The possibilities , and international aid -
: Praise for us. The English translations of our reports, used Alain was responsible, God is well to step up international assistance.
The purchase contract for a large 1800 m2 floor space for new community was signed and essentially the first amount of NT $ 25 million already paid. Next week will be a second transfer of the amount and thus the floor are also registered in the name of the community. Therefore we, the community soon, in a Distrkit Taipei with a very low percentage of Christians and a lot of Chinese Popular religion and accordance to many active temples all around!
- TECC As we look forward to the inauguration of the new community building for the Thai in Neili on 9 October. Thus, this community is the largest Thai community in the north of Taiwan. Their financial and human power to evangelize other areas is very limited.
Please pray for:
- The preparation and implementation of the fifth TECC conference in Taiwan, this time will be held in Kaohsiung. As a result, we hope to make a tight circle and employees win the each other in an effort foreigners from Asian countries did not reach to win for Jesus missionary support.
- W urther missionaries. The completed field research in the core demonstrates the urgent need of 60-80 other missionaries with long-term perspective. An entire generation of missionaries in some missions is about to retire and should Initiave of a flexible and willing to learn new generation will soon be replaced. Our partners Mission also needs but also missionaries for the new spaces provided.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Product Dimensions Reading

information: Hall 2009/10

The current 2009/10 winter season beginning this Saturday, 26 September 2009 . From then on, all the seats are subject to charges. As a club member (Active, students / trainees and juniors), you benefit from a discount (five francs / hour). The reservation system is unlocked, the winter season towards the end of the week.

> electronic reservation system of the TC Rheinfelden
> existing space (rental) prices in the 2009/10 winter season

You also want to point out that our hall and a can rent Saturday night - or a Fixstunde (30 weeks) book to play every week at the same time in the same place can. If interested, please contact our office ( ) combined.

> current occupancy of Fixstunden at the tennis center

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Record Propellerhead Authori

The Typhoon Morakot "brings Christian communities to Reschedule
It was the worst typhoon in 50 years, the Taiwan had experienced, it told us a 72-year-old teacher who had the experience 50 years ago too. The media were filled with the rush of reports about its details, the number of deaths and ideas with what could have been done to this disaster better "control" with his victims.
many alleged to be annoyed about the slow pace, with the delivery of the rescue penalties (of course because the weather is not too different from left). It was no shortage of heroic tests, in spite of the impossible weather to save hundreds of lives by helicopter. This went on for so long until the first died in this impossible Flugverhätnissen. Clearly the President is to blame (The fact that he was responsible not just yet for the whole typhoon makes missing). - Had the anger and the anger of many in the mountain people and flooded towns in the south coast side end, the long wait without electric and water to help is beyond description and still do not abgeebt. -
With its huge mass of water, this typhoon is not only 49 tons of wood, including nearly a thousand trees precious wood, washed down with tremendous force from the mountains in the Pacific to the coasts of Taitung, several villages were buried under hundreds of tonnes of mud and in one case 390 its more than 1,400 residents and just.

Although the earthquake of 12 September 1999 more than 2,400 deaths, the number of deaths compared to the 126 victims of disaster Morakot still far exceeds the extent of the damage in the tens of billions more than that of the so-called "921" is. More than 23 modern bridges were unusable, pose several important roads in and were in the mountains down swept into the valleys, every road across the mountains and on the track came from a days-long rain of 1000 mm (1181 mm in Hsinfa station, Kaohsiung County, 1174 mm in Matouhan station, Chiayi County, 1163 mm in Majia station, Pingtung County, 1153.5 mm in Fenchihu, Chiayi County, 1151.5 mm in Hsiakuanshan, Kaohsiung County and 1147 mm in Shihpanlung in Chiayi County), but also up to 2,000 mm in some southern Pingtung counties on 8 August to complete halt.
The "Chinese Christian Evangelistic Association assists with 1,000 volunteers per day
Having previously adequate all around, or at least much rain was prayed that the disaster was perfect after so much rain in central and southern Taiwan. But in the midst of this changing situation, the question was to us how we can help Christian communities. The Chinese Christian Evangelistic Assocations, "our" daughter "of diaconal service, took up the challenge and created a tool: None, however, had reckoned with such a rush to aid volunteers, including from non-Christian Circles. Actually we were only up to 250 people, but every day they had up to 1000! - With Frog clothes or at least rain suit was partly distributed by boats partly by marching with food parcels, medicine and water. Other groups cleaned and disinfected completely covered by a mud and filthy homes and more took to the shocked and vulnerable people with other needs to. While Red Cross, Christian and other hospitals had sent their people, helped CCRA Christian and other volunteers with hand and help to tackle. Everyone had to contribute its part in connection. Alain's part was translating and publishing of reports on Internet, the missions and English media.

The President said for everything that had been running quite right not to have to apologize to his government. This will not remove him, however, the further responsibility for the Weiterentwcklung the relief efforts. It is already clear that "heads to roll" need some. Meanwhile, relief operations are in full swing and the first Nothäuser already been flown into the mountains to build. Of the roads are repaired some time again that you can pass it and the east-west traffic through the main pass road in southern Taiwan, is on Friday the 21th August to resume its traffic. Since today has more normal Kaoshiung Water in its lines. - It will take three months be turned round to them all to normal life. To do that have lost loved ones or have been evacuated, and no cultivation land have more, because it has disappeared in the waters of a mountain stream, yet many questions remain unanswered. - One thing is certain, the time of helping has not yet stopped, but will take the form of various projects in other forms. Pray that there will be among them but even some who find this more in the presence of God, and like Job in the reverse experience great blessings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Acrostic Poem About Republicans

Moratok The typhoon and its aftermath:
fact, he keeps us still in our office in Atmen.Von Kaoshing, Taihcung, Nantou and Hualien are almost all in use in the south for the translation of Alain working with the media is important. - In the next few days, we want a little more comprehensive report, which is already available in English and Mandarin bring on the blog. - Pray for the victims, our teams and wisdom that we make sound decisions under pressure, where a lot of other work must lie.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What Room Did Ana Nicole Smith Die In

42nd Fricktaler single tennis championship tournament

The success story of the "Fricktaler" is unabated, even in difficult times: total of 246 entries (in 17 categories) were the biggest tennis tournament Northwestern Switzerland received, so that the record levels the previous two years were almost leveled. read more ...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ervamatin Hair Lotion Price

fever FETM & Club Championship

In these days on the tennis courts in Möhlin and Rheinfelden with the 42nd Fricktaler singles tennis championships held the largest tournament of the entire North West Switzerland. Until Sunday, 16 August 2009 is offered at our sports facilities in the Passenger field of high-class tennis. Our Club restaurant offers all playing days with food and drink - on weekdays from 18.00 clock, on weekends from 10.00 clock. Spectators always welcome.

> All fixtures Tableaux and Overview

At this year's club championship of the TC Rheinfelden, first held in late July, no surprises were to identify. was carried out in all five categories ... read more ...

> all the results at a glance (

Monday, July 20, 2009

Are Diane And Juliet The Same Contraceptive Pill

Before the start of the Club Championship 2009

The competitions of this year's Club Championship, the Tennis Club Rheinfelden, from Friday, 24th July to Sunday 02 August 2009 finding, have now been drawn. A total of 32 nominations, mainly in the men's tableaux, received ...

> all tableaux Overview (

It is here pointed out that no games can now be more moved. If you are unable in the short term at a fixed date, please contact directly with the enemy in connection to a new date to be determined.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Baby Has A Growth On Head Flesh Colored

Registrations: Club Championship & FETM 2009

The tennis court Enger field is in the next few weeks, the scene of the biggest events of the year tournament. From Friday, 24th July 2009 to Sunday, 02 August 2009 will be held this year's Club Championship . Registration is until 17 July possible.

> online registration at
> Tender for the Club Championship

follow in August, the 42nd Fricktaler Individual Tennis Championships (FETM), their final games this year held in Rheinfelden. All other information can be found on .

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Frequent Urination But Negative

The July and Mission in Taiwan 2009
The weather is oppressively hot, the economic pressures are forcing most ask companies to their employees daily overtime, some do not make it virtually are frustrated, thoughts of suicide can sometimes feel in the public transport almost. - Summer hours are also holidays. Unfortunately, then some non-Christian parents send their children to a camp of the Buddhists and other religious groups nichtchrilstiche just to "rest" to haben.Gerade yesterday reported a pastor at a number of 100 children he called "leisure" has seen few days ago, the to read all day at a Buddhist center to do nothing but Buddhist scriptures. So that as only the rich and perhaps the future of Taiwan intelligentsia which has benefits, these "Free" time is extremely expensive ...

please with thanks:
- Rita's tests went over so well as it has not given the previous back pain and sudden problem was possible.
- The intensive preparations for the mission camp with the aim of recruiting missionaries were crowned with success: 130 most people signed up, want them to stay 26 with our partners Mission in touch and receive the prayer letter every month, do at least three of them in the council . Pray for the accompaniment. We also pray for a leader for the sending work because the work is very dear.

Please pray for:
- The currently held Christian camps: the many children these days have a personal experience with Jesus and the staff with great pleasure that are there.
- For the TMF Conference at the Alain will hold a workshop on the Hakka in Taiwan. - Of the 4.6 million Taiwan Hakka Hakka only 3 thousand Christians, with which they are the worst reaching ethnic group in Taiwan.
- For the development of Misisongebetskreises in Taipei, who now has a blog that engage many and the time to pray 1x take a month.
- For the preaching services
- For the operations team, which for the 2 times to Bulgaria to a Chinese community attending a two-week mission.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cinderella Toddler Flower Dress

prayer request in early June 2009
Thanks: The finished writing the first book about mission history has moved to cross it near. (Unfortunately, further work is delayed by the translator with problems on her laptop. The field research work for council housing in Taiwan is making (about 140 pages).
Among this year's graduates from the Theological Semianr Taosheng were four students that Alain had taught mission subjects.
Please more missionaries to Taiwan, several new missionaries of Taiwan, Rita's test on 9 and 16, 17 June, preparations for the final concert, other missionaries, including those from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnamesischsprachige sian, the establishment of a pastoral and evangelistic. Other work on. Taipei hospital, preparation and printing of 2000-Mandarin Indonesian Luke Gospels, Mission Camp June 23 to 27, preaching schedule, Hakka workshop at the TMF Conference, home preparation service, "Hold on to prayer" from February 2010

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Installing Hardwood In A Boat

early May prayer news
The warmth of spring with the rain and oppressive humidity once again become the norm. In Taiwan, since this week is about 6% of the working Population unemployed. - Tens of thousands are no longer able to lead a normal family life, it is not enough money to pay school fees of children, the future prospects of the children are dark. Taipei takes the 5000 schlimmstbetroffenen the city grab something on the ground. But is often more a mess and broken families need the love of God, the Church of Jesus needs in action. CCEA / CCRA serves more than 1,200 such families, we currently offer by a group of employees in 86 tutoring and reading groups for children affected Betreeung free school and continuation (from September 114). This form of work is now in the current crisis, particularly popular. Communities are actively mobilized to enter.
makes The Great Commission against social misery does not stop because of him but looks to be just for new ones. 6000 and 5000 Thai Filipinos have left early in the last three months for lack of work or because of financial difficulties is elected into the country, some had only just arrived and had been for two years at home, Taiwan enormous debt. It will take many years until everything is paid back. However, some of them through our ministry first heard of Jesus, training and experience with a new, inner mission flown back to their home country. They included ministers from Thailand, who have learned here in Taiwan a lot about the council. - So Used Not the God to preach the Gospel to places faster, whose names we can pronounce and do not even know or! -
preaching and training go hand in hand. Therefore, we are pleased these days the literary preparation for the printing and mailing of the Gospel according to Luke "in Bahasa Indonesian, is ready. Next week, after re-signed Alain review for errors which hopefully final sample copy of the Bible Society to return to print. The delay in preparation results now in an even broader support from the communities. Of the 5,000 planned Gospels are now ordered as early as 2000 established for the distribution, another 1,500 likely to be ordered next week! Taiwan currently has approx. 135 000 inhabitants with Indonesian passport!
recently ordered a sister of one Christian care for the elderly, who had heard of us, for their old set Vietnamese carers 450 Mark Gospels. Often these people with their work around the clock anyway, after coming home barely time to eat and sleep, there is sometimes something to read in their native language as a welcome ray of hope.
prayer requests: (D: Thanks, F: intercession)
• (D) for five-year anniversary of TECC 23rd October has today promised a speaker!
• (D) Volume I of the course "History of the World Mission" (from Jesus to Karl the Great in 800 AD.) Is a few pages ready to Mandarin translation (This course is an important building block for the local mission teaching).
• (D) progress in the field research to optimize our work as a missionary in Taiwan.
• (F) proper printing of the Indonesian Luke's Gospel, with which we can reach around 8000, the Malays and the information it offered Indonesian religious services are heavily used.
• (F) for a revival among the Indonesian Muslims in Taiwan for Christ!
• (F) For the heavy use of this opportunity acquired through Christian community this ethnic group in Taiwan for Jesus.
• (F) for the daily bread / rice.

A very special prayer request for us is the middle of June, pending approval test for Rita's piano exam. Because then they could finish by a change in legislation has become necessary training soon. - Let us know how we can pray for you!
from Taipei with best regards, your

Alain Jonathan & Rita Haudenschild