Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Remove Dandruff With Electric Toothbrush

Rita on 6 his November, a very successful final concert presented, although they had no idea how to finish the evaluation. But now it is over and yes it may quietly say out loud with the 120 participants, and God's help, the real gift and a great answer to prayer (PTL) was! After all, some of Rita's colleagues who could better play the piano when she began not as yet arrived!
-The contract for the printing of the bilingual in Indonesian, Mandarin Luke was finally submitted after nearly 6 months of disruption and delay. Unlike in the past, we now have the belief that God the rest of the money needed for the 5,000 copies (about 3700 give €) is still, for the spiritual need among Indonesian women, particularly in the South enormous.
- In the month to be taken "Timothy Circle in the village there are some Missionsinteresierte who want more of God's personal journey with them on mission and how to get in the mission to meet. This is Alain become a monthly basis since September of invited participants .- Pray for true vocations to missionary work in cross-cultural relationships with our partners' mission. Since you would help the subject to stay and grow.
- We pray for vocations to clear long-term mission work by the work of the missionary prayer circle in Taipei, which also meets monthly .-
- currently run pre-Christmas crusades. Pray for great eternal fruit.
- Please also pray for the preparation and implementation of the German Christmas service. Although we usually bring us to the Chinese communities, we will help this year because of the lack of other German-speaking employees. - For some children it is simply the great annual event in which she ever experienced something of a Christian festival culture!


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