Sunday, August 22, 2010

Online Games Scattergories

in Taipei Back to our 5th four-year mission using
few days ago we as a family reunited in Taipei, and it set us back. For various reasons, we plan to move our existing lease runs out anyway and Jonathan also need no longer the immediate vicinity to school. Four of us have looked at yesterday in two hours four apartments in two, we would be interested but need to because of the price and built-in furniture, the deal should get out. In short: we have no alternative to the present have found to stay, but they should have found something by the end of the week, because after school starts operating again.

retrospect we are grateful for both the four intense months of separation, and the two in which we were then reunited in service, and finally on vacation. - The first days were filled with back not only consistently sweltering heat and humidity, many technical things were in the bucket. Had to be repaired the car, motor scooter, a Water heaters, washing machine and a telephone. In almost all cases, the hot air is to blame for having a high sulfur content in the air in it. Then the hunt was on all documents for the renewal of residence permits, first missing a document on a particular stamp, it is quick and has a current photo on the last day before the deadline all requests in time werden.Dies washing machine still does not, however, to use . Because some rental washing machines have been often, we wait a bit as developed residential question before we spend money, perhaps unnecessarily.

Thank Our concerns:
(D) health and safely back in Taiwan arrived.
(D) The community is in Shepai in July and August to finish Beitou (Nordtaipei) moved
(D) For our work via TECC at CCEA a donation was the equivalent of about 5000th - with which the Alain concern has ever happening as the nearly NT $ 80.000 .- to be paid for the Indonesian-Chinese Luke Gospels. Praise the Lord!
(D) for a very interesting community Bause Minar, could participate in the Alain and some "old friends" again saw.

Our prayer concerns
(F) A new apartment, closer to the community that does not cost more than the present one, but still meet our requirements (Also with parking, kitchen, space for storage and an office).
(F) The fact that we can be good witnesses to the Lord with a better ministry.
(F) Children's Choir recreation on 3 / 4 September.
(F) Good and fast restart life as a family with a balance between school, family and service.


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