Friday, April 2, 2010

Conversion W/w To W/v

If the patient is dead?

I would now like to be here to write a text about what I do, what I experience that with which I spend my time, and what I can not do do.
The but consists of way too many items and when you write that, then shredded and this is bad, I do not want to.

why there are - as a sign of life and that my blog is again ventilated "brain to Taste" - an excerpt from a text that is now almost two months old and here, rare more slowly as not yet "present" was.

"(...) In one night of my sixteenth birthday Katti leaves me with him to sleep. She sleeps somewhere else. I wonder Where and she says Elsewhere ; Katti said rarely Where or why she usually tells them that she says Elsewhere .. explained and and one that pulls the door shut behind him and leave me alone with her books that belong to me; I like to share with you, Elsi .

Her brother called a bitch fight than us and I put on my coat and my feet in the large shoes to connect traces in the snow, which are deeper than all that were there already. With fingers, of which I wish they were blue with cold, I stand at her door in one night before my sixteenth birthday.

I like to share with you, Elsi says Katti, but I sleep somewhere else . Where I ask and she says Elsewhere and I would like to see that it pulls up the eyebrows and laughs Kattilachen, it's fun. I ask no further, because she laughs, and pulls the door behind her as she breathes in her shawl .(...)" © Lisa Wiegand, January 2010

PS: The title of today's post is a question that is seriously on the form of an accident report, as I have just to fill out - are accidents but stupid


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