Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Much Would A Scarf Set Be

E-Books by Ernst Probst of pilots from England

Hilda Hewlett. The first British aviator

A versatile British aviation pioneer Hilda Hewlett (1864-1943) was born Hilda Beatrice Herbert. She became the first British aviator, and with a business partner, the first founder and head of a flight school in the UK and the boss of a major aircraft factory. The short biography "Hilda Hewlett. The first British aviator, "the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst describes her life.

order of the E-Books:


Amy Johnson Mollison. The most famous female pilot of England's most famous female pilot

England Amy Johnson Mollison was (1903-1941), née Johnson. It was designed as the first woman in Britain to the aircraft mechanic and served as the first woman alone from England to Australia. Her last flight in which she was killed and her body was found after the person has never contributed to the legend. The short biography Amy Johnson Mollison. The most famous female pilot of England "of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst describes her eventful life.

order the e-book at:


Anne Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg. The Flying Princess

An unforgettable British air pioneer, Anne Princess of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (1864-1927), born Savile. It took place in their attempt, in their old age as the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, the death. Many early female pilots knew the financial support of the princess at a daring flight to appreciate. The short biography "Princess Anne Lowenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg. The Flying Princess "of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst describes her life.

order the e-book at:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do I Need Chains On My Tires To Get To Big Bear

asparagus-eating (Wednesday, May 12, 2010 )

Our two teams of the 3rd Inter-Club Senior League II and the 3rd Senior II League lead on Wednesday 12 May 2010 (from 19 clock) you traditional asparagus-eating through. To Price of 25 francs offered at discretion asparagus (with rosemary potatoes and ham) and Coupe Romanoff. You can sign in by entering in the appropriate list in the clubhouse - or contact Sybille Haller ( sybille.haller @ , 079 448 73 45).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can U Put Alcohol In A Camelbak

Elisbabeth Tudor I. .. The Virgin Queen

England's greatest queen of the 16th Century, Elizabeth I Tudor (1533-1603), called "Gloriana," the glorious queen. Due to the flourishing of shipping, trade and culture has its reign is from 1558 to 1603 "Elizabethan Age" or "Golden Age of England". The Empress remained unmarried and childless, which is why they are called "The Virgin Queen" ("Virgin Queen") called. This is the basis of the 1584 Virginia coined name for the first English colony in North America. The short biography Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen "of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst describes her life.

order to:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Conversion W/w To W/v

If the patient is dead?

I would now like to be here to write a text about what I do, what I experience that with which I spend my time, and what I can not do do.
The but consists of way too many items and when you write that, then shredded and this is bad, I do not want to.

why there are - as a sign of life and that my blog is again ventilated "brain to Taste" - an excerpt from a text that is now almost two months old and here, rare more slowly as not yet "present" was.

"(...) In one night of my sixteenth birthday Katti leaves me with him to sleep. She sleeps somewhere else. I wonder Where and she says Elsewhere ; Katti said rarely Where or why she usually tells them that she says Elsewhere .. explained and and one that pulls the door shut behind him and leave me alone with her books that belong to me; I like to share with you, Elsi .

Her brother called a bitch fight than us and I put on my coat and my feet in the large shoes to connect traces in the snow, which are deeper than all that were there already. With fingers, of which I wish they were blue with cold, I stand at her door in one night before my sixteenth birthday.

I like to share with you, Elsi says Katti, but I sleep somewhere else . Where I ask and she says Elsewhere and I would like to see that it pulls up the eyebrows and laughs Kattilachen, it's fun. I ask no further, because she laughs, and pulls the door behind her as she breathes in her shawl .(...)" © Lisa Wiegand, January 2010

PS: The title of today's post is a question that is seriously on the form of an accident report, as I have just to fill out - are accidents but stupid

Sample Letters Disconnection

April News:
Thank concerns :
- will hold for the other travel service that Alain This month, still without the "strengthening of Taiwan". The now widespread practice in Germany and in the community for digital projectors Diavor and to use contributions is a significant relief! - That was in 2006 yet not as convenient.
- The warm and friendly welcome by our sending church in Konstanz was a real treat! - Despite snow and cold they have succeeded, the warm feeling of warmth and Willkommensein convey. When citizens are by Alain Constance was gifted with a sort of "check book" filled with coupons for free or cheap shopping suggestions. Even now become fairly clean city of Constance mediated despite the weather a very different impression than before.
- Especially in the last few days were added in the Lower Saxony Weser mountain country and from a parish in the Ruhr further requests for the Mission evenings. - If you think Alain would probably in the so-called "new states" no time for interested mission may have between 7 to May 21, another chance for appointments (Alain is somewhere around Leipzig and Berlin).
- The time spent with friends in Mission of Switzerland was beautiful, albeit a little short. -
- Rita and Jonathan are refreshed from the exam week of our mission partners, SEND Taiwan returned. "It was fun," was Jonathan's comment skyping comment.

intercession :
- Despite the 2,500 km journey from the last three weeks is not even half of the travel service done. - It seems as if God wants to divide the major responsibility for mission in Asia deliberately to several communities. This makes sense since it is the continent of Asia has the lowest percentage share of missionaries, although there all religious and missionary "crack nuts' are located.
- The service dates in the EFG Weinheim (Mission evening sermon Mission Workshop), EFG Worms (Mission evening prayer), worship at the Academy for World Mission (at 21.4. Korntal in Stuttgart), two house parties in Konstanz (26 and 27.4).
- The translation and distribution of the monthly prayer letter, our mission partner in Mandarin continues. Alain is responsible for monitoring and further the delivery of mail to the Chinese communities worldwide. The addresses in Taiwan are now being done by our new staff member in the sending office. The plan is to improve on this service the interest in cross-cultural missionary work (with S END International, our mission partners?) so to speak, "natural" way -.
- Pray for be the Easter Activities of German teenagers from the Jonathan also in the process. - There will be probably the last free time for him to all his friends who could still be there. Some are due to move to the summer it will be there.
- for the remaining steps of the move to our community in Taipei to larger premises. The deadline is mid-May.
- for the remaining dates of the travel service. As before, the goal is to win at least four communities to which also participate financially and in prayer on a regular basis with the cost of labor in Taiwan. The DMG is a partner in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus' community, because not everyone is in the mission, but every Christian's contribution should contribute to the overall mission of the church of Jesus.
-Pray for the exam week at the DMG (Alain will keep there including a 45 minute presentation on "God's work in East Asia"), and the preparations for the DMG Spring Mission Festival on April 25, where Alain for two or more posts is divided.