Monday, July 20, 2009

Are Diane And Juliet The Same Contraceptive Pill

Before the start of the Club Championship 2009

The competitions of this year's Club Championship, the Tennis Club Rheinfelden, from Friday, 24th July to Sunday 02 August 2009 finding, have now been drawn. A total of 32 nominations, mainly in the men's tableaux, received ...

> all tableaux Overview (

It is here pointed out that no games can now be more moved. If you are unable in the short term at a fixed date, please contact directly with the enemy in connection to a new date to be determined.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Baby Has A Growth On Head Flesh Colored

Registrations: Club Championship & FETM 2009

The tennis court Enger field is in the next few weeks, the scene of the biggest events of the year tournament. From Friday, 24th July 2009 to Sunday, 02 August 2009 will be held this year's Club Championship . Registration is until 17 July possible.

> online registration at
> Tender for the Club Championship

follow in August, the 42nd Fricktaler Individual Tennis Championships (FETM), their final games this year held in Rheinfelden. All other information can be found on .

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Frequent Urination But Negative

The July and Mission in Taiwan 2009
The weather is oppressively hot, the economic pressures are forcing most ask companies to their employees daily overtime, some do not make it virtually are frustrated, thoughts of suicide can sometimes feel in the public transport almost. - Summer hours are also holidays. Unfortunately, then some non-Christian parents send their children to a camp of the Buddhists and other religious groups nichtchrilstiche just to "rest" to haben.Gerade yesterday reported a pastor at a number of 100 children he called "leisure" has seen few days ago, the to read all day at a Buddhist center to do nothing but Buddhist scriptures. So that as only the rich and perhaps the future of Taiwan intelligentsia which has benefits, these "Free" time is extremely expensive ...

please with thanks:
- Rita's tests went over so well as it has not given the previous back pain and sudden problem was possible.
- The intensive preparations for the mission camp with the aim of recruiting missionaries were crowned with success: 130 most people signed up, want them to stay 26 with our partners Mission in touch and receive the prayer letter every month, do at least three of them in the council . Pray for the accompaniment. We also pray for a leader for the sending work because the work is very dear.

Please pray for:
- The currently held Christian camps: the many children these days have a personal experience with Jesus and the staff with great pleasure that are there.
- For the TMF Conference at the Alain will hold a workshop on the Hakka in Taiwan. - Of the 4.6 million Taiwan Hakka Hakka only 3 thousand Christians, with which they are the worst reaching ethnic group in Taiwan.
- For the development of Misisongebetskreises in Taipei, who now has a blog that engage many and the time to pray 1x take a month.
- For the preaching services
- For the operations team, which for the 2 times to Bulgaria to a Chinese community attending a two-week mission.