Saturday, May 2, 2009

Installing Hardwood In A Boat

early May prayer news
The warmth of spring with the rain and oppressive humidity once again become the norm. In Taiwan, since this week is about 6% of the working Population unemployed. - Tens of thousands are no longer able to lead a normal family life, it is not enough money to pay school fees of children, the future prospects of the children are dark. Taipei takes the 5000 schlimmstbetroffenen the city grab something on the ground. But is often more a mess and broken families need the love of God, the Church of Jesus needs in action. CCEA / CCRA serves more than 1,200 such families, we currently offer by a group of employees in 86 tutoring and reading groups for children affected Betreeung free school and continuation (from September 114). This form of work is now in the current crisis, particularly popular. Communities are actively mobilized to enter.
makes The Great Commission against social misery does not stop because of him but looks to be just for new ones. 6000 and 5000 Thai Filipinos have left early in the last three months for lack of work or because of financial difficulties is elected into the country, some had only just arrived and had been for two years at home, Taiwan enormous debt. It will take many years until everything is paid back. However, some of them through our ministry first heard of Jesus, training and experience with a new, inner mission flown back to their home country. They included ministers from Thailand, who have learned here in Taiwan a lot about the council. - So Used Not the God to preach the Gospel to places faster, whose names we can pronounce and do not even know or! -
preaching and training go hand in hand. Therefore, we are pleased these days the literary preparation for the printing and mailing of the Gospel according to Luke "in Bahasa Indonesian, is ready. Next week, after re-signed Alain review for errors which hopefully final sample copy of the Bible Society to return to print. The delay in preparation results now in an even broader support from the communities. Of the 5,000 planned Gospels are now ordered as early as 2000 established for the distribution, another 1,500 likely to be ordered next week! Taiwan currently has approx. 135 000 inhabitants with Indonesian passport!
recently ordered a sister of one Christian care for the elderly, who had heard of us, for their old set Vietnamese carers 450 Mark Gospels. Often these people with their work around the clock anyway, after coming home barely time to eat and sleep, there is sometimes something to read in their native language as a welcome ray of hope.
prayer requests: (D: Thanks, F: intercession)
• (D) for five-year anniversary of TECC 23rd October has today promised a speaker!
• (D) Volume I of the course "History of the World Mission" (from Jesus to Karl the Great in 800 AD.) Is a few pages ready to Mandarin translation (This course is an important building block for the local mission teaching).
• (D) progress in the field research to optimize our work as a missionary in Taiwan.
• (F) proper printing of the Indonesian Luke's Gospel, with which we can reach around 8000, the Malays and the information it offered Indonesian religious services are heavily used.
• (F) for a revival among the Indonesian Muslims in Taiwan for Christ!
• (F) For the heavy use of this opportunity acquired through Christian community this ethnic group in Taiwan for Jesus.
• (F) for the daily bread / rice.

A very special prayer request for us is the middle of June, pending approval test for Rita's piano exam. Because then they could finish by a change in legislation has become necessary training soon. - Let us know how we can pray for you!
from Taipei with best regards, your

Alain Jonathan & Rita Haudenschild